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Learn about the FDA-approved Kybella injectable treatment for double chin removal

Kybella For Double Chin Removal in New York NY Area

Is the area beneath your chin making you look older and heavier than you really are? Genetics, weight gain, and aging skin can all contribute to the appearance of a double chin. No matter the cause, getting rid of fullness under the chin can be very difficult. Before now, patients had few options besides invasive liposuction surgery to thin and contour the under-chin area, but fortunately, Kybella injectable treatment has now changed that paradigm! At SkinProvement Dermatology New York, Dr. Stephen Comite offers this revolutionary double chin removal treatment to patients in the New York area. Kybella: The only FDA-approved … Continue reading

Should I take Niacinamide vitamin (B3) for skin cancer prevention? New York physician says yes.

Niacinamide Cancer Prevention in New York NY Area

Skin cancer is a serious medical condition often associated with exposure to the sun. However, it can also form in areas of the skin that are typically not exposed to sunlight. Usually, doctors recommend prevention activities such as applying sunscreen liberally, wearing protective clothing and avoiding the sun during high-UV periods of the day. Now, doctors such as Dr. Stephen Comite from SkinProvement Dermatology New York are adding the vitamin Niacinamide (vitamin B3) to their prevention tool kit. What is Niacinamide (also known as Nicotinamide)?  Niacinamide is a vitamin B3 supplement that has been shown to reduce the rate of … Continue reading

New York, NY patients, use Kybella for double chin treatment

The advantages Of Kybella Double Chin Treatment, New York

Do you see a happy and confident image staring back at you when you look in the mirror? Or do you find yourself critiquing the lines and perceived flaws? Many patients look in the mirror and wish there were easy and non-invasive ways to address lines, wrinkles, extra fat, and more. Now, they can. Dr. Stephen Comite of SkinProvement Dermatology New York offers a full suite of cosmetic services, including Kybella – a new treatment that addresses double chins. What is Kybella?  Kybella is an injectable used to reduce submental fat – that’s the fat that builds on the upper … Continue reading

Dermatologist in New York, NY explains how to safely and effectively get rid of warts

How to Get Rid of Warts at SkinProvement Dermatology in New York NY Area

Did you know that up to one-third of children and teenagers get warts? While they are less common in adults, affecting about 3 to 5% of the adult population, warts can be unsightly, embarrassing, and difficult to completely eliminate at any age. At SkinProvement® Dermatology New York, Dr. Stephen Comite provides personalized treatment options for patients in the New York, NY area who are ready to get rid of their warts for good. How we treat warts Most people think of warts as just one type of skin growth, but there are actually five main types of warts and the … Continue reading

New York dermatologist explains the difference between Juvéderm and Restylane for wrinkles

Juvederm & Restylane for Wrinkles at SkinProvement Dermatology in New York NYC Area

Fine lines and wrinkles are a normal part of aging, but that doesn’t mean that everyone welcomes their appearance. If you are tired of spending money on ineffective creams and serums to get rid of your wrinkles, the team at SkinProvement® Dermatology is here to help! We offer patients in the New York, NY area a wide array of professional-grade treatments designed to smooth out unwanted wrinkles and refresh their appearance, including Juvéderm and Restylane. Many patients are curious about the difference between these two popular dermal fillers and which one might be a better option for their needs. Dr. … Continue reading

Where in Manhattan can I get Kybella treatments for a double chin?

Kybella Double Chin Treatment at SkinProvement Dermatology in Manhattan Area

Dr. Stephen Comite at SkinProvement in Manhattan specializes in Kybella injections for the treatment of double chins. He’s a board-certified dermatologist with years of experience working with patients for a variety of dermatological issues. Whatever your goals, he will work closely with you to understand them and how he can help. What is Kybella? Kybella is a prescription injection used to reduce visible fat below the chin, commonly referred to as a double chin. It’s made from an acid that naturally occurs in your body and aids in the breakdown of fat deposits. When used in a precise injection, this … Continue reading

Where can I get Botox for Hyperhidrosis in NYC?

Botox for Hyperhidrosis at SkinProvement Dermatology in NYC Area

Dr. Stephen Comite at SkinProvement Dermatology in NYC specializes in the use of Botox for Hyperhidrosis, or “excessive sweating.” He’s a patient-oriented dermatologist with years of experience applying Botox injections for patients with various symptoms. He’ll work with you to understand your goals and how he can help. He can review the use of Botox for hyperhidrosis and help you decide if this treatment is right for you. How does Botox help with hyperhidrosis? Botox has proven highly effective for treating several dermatological conditions, including excessive sweating. Your body keeps cool by triggering sweat glands at a specific body temperature. … Continue reading

NYC patients address excessive sweating with armpit Botox.

Botox at SkinProvement Dermatology in Armpits NYC Area

Sweating is a common part of life. Adults expect it after a workout, when they get nervous, or when the temperature rises. Most people combat sweating with a good application of deodorant and continue with their day. However, individuals with hyperhidrosis, also known as excessive sweating, often find that their sweating is interfering with their everyday life. Dr. Stephen Comite of SkinProvement Dermatology in NYC helps patients who are dealing with hyperhidrosis manage their sweating by injecting Botox in their armpits. Botox is for more than just wrinkles. Most adults think about Botox as a cosmetic treatment that helps smooth … Continue reading

The Importance of Sunscreens for Skin Protection in New York Why Use Sunscreen?

The Importance of Sunscreens for Skin Protection in New York Why Use Sunscreen?

Sunscreen plays a critical role when it comes to a comprehensive sun protection technique. However, by itself, sunscreen is insufficient to protect you when exposed to direct sunlight. When you follow the bottle’s directions, using sunscreen skin protection is known to diminish the risk of skin cancers. The use of SPF 30 and above  sunscreen daily can lessen your chances of acquiring squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Sunscreen should be reapplied  if you are active outdoors for a long period or work outside generally. It also assists with deterring the premature aging of skin, which the sun causes, such as: … Continue reading

Benefits of Coming in for Professional Sports Dermatology Services in New York

Benefits of Coming in for Professional Sports Dermatology Services in New York Area

Properly caring for your skin is very important. One group that tends to be health-conscious and active are athletes and those who like to exercise regularly. For these people, seeing a dermatologist is also particularly important. When in need of sports dermatology services in New York, NY, residents would benefit greatly by consulting our dermatologist at SkinProvement Dermatology.  Consultation and Skin Condition Check One of the main advantages of seeing a sports dermatologist is that you can receive a comprehensive consultation on your skin condition. In some ways, those that are active and involved in athletics have more skincare risks … Continue reading

| Dara L.

I was just on here getting Dr. Comite’s information to refer a coworker to him. He treated my acne about a year ago with Accutane. I was very apprehensive to try this course of treatment since there are a lot of misconceptions about the drug. I only trusted Dr. Comite to ease me through the process. He was extremely thorough. He even does his own blood work which makes the Accutane process a lot easier. His staff in the office is also very attentive and professional.

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