Rashes on your back or other areas can be difficult to treat since you can’t reach them, especially if you have limited mobility, are single, or if your partner can’t or won’t help you.
There are a variety of applicators that can be used for the application of creams and lotions on areas that may be difficult to reach, such as the back.
You can purchase online lotion applicators made for the back, which consist of a long handle and reusable applicator pads. Simply apply your topical medication onto the pad and use the handle as a guide, then wipe or rinse off with water after every use.
We have not tested the following list of applicators, but we would appreciate your feedback. You may also consider comparison shopping to find the most ideal one. Our office has no financial interest in any of these products.
Listed below are lotion applicators, in no particular order, designed for use on the back or other hard-to-reach areas: