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Kybella treatment: Common questions and answers from dermatologist in New York, NY

The area under the chin is a notoriously difficult place to lose unwanted fat. Even our slimmest patients can struggle with the appearance of a “double chin” due to genetics and the body’s natural disposition to store water and fat there. Previously, double chin surgery or liposuction were the only ways to get rid of a double chin; double chin exercises don’t really work. Fortunately, there is now an effective, minimally-invasive treatment called Kybella for double chins (also called “submental fullness”). Kybella melts that fat for a sleeker under-chin appearance. Below, Dr. Stephen L. Comite, dermatologist in New York, NY, answers common FAQs about this revolutionary treatment.

What is Kybella® and its benefits? Explained by Dr. Stephen Comite

What is Kybella® and its benefits? - Dr. Stephen Comite
Are you looking for a way to get rid of the fat under your chin or your neck area? Then Kybella®is what you are looking for. Watch this video as Dr. Stephen Comite from SkinProvement Dermatology New York explain all about Kybella® and how it can help you look better.

What is Kybella®?

This is Dr. Stephen Comite from SkinProvement Dermatology Mid-town, Manhatten. Kybella® is a naturally occurring material found in us that helps to break down and absorb fat.

Kybella® is made synthetically, and it is not human or animal-derived. It is used as an injection like Botox or fillers.

How is Kybella® used?

Kybella® is generally approved for the under chin region or the jowl area to dissolve away fat and improve the neck and jawline’s overall contour.

Traditional methods to treat excess fat in these areas generally require a surgical procedure. Kybella® is not surgery, so you would not have a surgical procedure.

Are the results through Kybella® permanent or temporary?

According to our studies, Kybella® dissolves fat permanently, unlike Botox or fillers, which need periodic touch-ups.

Once a series of treatments is complete, you might not need additional treatments for a long time. However, the fat of the double chin may return if you gain substantial weight.

What are the side effects and the downtime of Kybella®?

What are the side effects and the downtime of Kybella®?
Watch this video to know of any side effects or downtime with Kybella®. Dr. Stephen Comite from SkinProvement Dermatology New York explains all about it.

What are the side-effects of Kybella®?

Many people ask, what are the side effects to Kybella®. The most common side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, numbness, redness, or areas of firmness in the treatment area.

These generally resolve within a few days. Kybella® can rarely cause more serious side effects, including nerve injury in the jaw that can cause an uneven smile or facial muscle weakness.

What is the downtime of Kybella®, and how long does it take to see results?

Most individuals have slight discomfort for a brief period, usually a few days. Occasionally, a week or two, or a longer period.

Some patients may experience various degrees of swelling, but that’s a normal part of the healing process.

Another question that I routinely get it’s how long it takes to see results. These are clearly dependent upon the amount of excess fat under your chin or next to your jowl.

The first few days, usually characterized by swelling and bruising, but most patients begin to see positive results as quickly as three to four weeks after the first injection and definitely after the second injection.

How many treatments of Kybella® are needed?

Another common question is how many treatments are needed. I recommend that you receive Kybella® treatment spaced for a minimum of one month to even six weeks apart.

Most patients require about three to four treatments sessions, sometimes more. Although, some patients are satisfied after one to two treatments.

Feel free to give us a call if you are someone looking to get rid of your double chin.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is based upon a naturally occurring material found in all of us that helps break down and absorb fat. Kybella is synthetically made and is not human or animal derived.

What is the purpose of Kybella?

Kybella is a cosmetic injectable, similar to Botox or dermal fillers (Juvéderm, Voluma, Restylane). It is used in the under-chin region to melt fat away in the treatment area to improve the overall contours of the jawline and neck. Prior to Kybella, the conventional method for treating extra fat in the neck and under the chin required surgery. Kybella is not a surgical procedure; it is an injectable, so you do not have to go to an operating room or deal with long recovery times and potential side effects from incisions.

Is Kybella permanent or is it temporary like Botox and Fillers?

Kybella injections dissolve fat permanently. While other injectables like Botox or dermal fillers require maintenance treatments every few months or annually, once a series of Kybella treatments is complete, you may not need additional treatments for a long time. However, the fat may return in time if you gain substantial weight.

Is Kybella safe? Has it been well tested prior to its FDA approval? Are there side effects?

The safety and effectiveness of Kybella were established in two large studies, which enrolled over 1,800 adult participants with moderate or severe submental (below the chin) fat. The participants who received Kybella for up to six treatments, as opposed to the placebo (no Kybella) saw reductions in fat and improvements in their jawline/neckline contour.

What are the potential side effects of Kybella?

As with most cosmetic procedures, there are some possible side effects with Kybella. The most common side effects are temporary bruising, swelling, numbness, pain, redness, and areas of hardness in the treatment area. However, these typically disappear within a few days. These side effects are also the most common side effects seen with Botox injections or dermal fillers like Juvéderm and Restylane. It is important to understand that there can be some serious, but fortunately uncommon, side effects with Kybella. These can include injury to the nerve in the jaw, which can result in an uneven smile or weakness of the facial muscles. In the original studies, less than 4% of patients had this problem; all resolved with time. Since practitioners have become more experienced, the incidence has decreased. Some patients may have trouble swallowing, but this is a rare side effect.

What happens to the skin on my neck after the Kybella is injected? Will it deflate?

In addition to eliminating the fat under the neck, Kybella also tends to lift and tighten the skin in the neck area as the healing process occurs – which means that your neck does not end up looking like a deflated balloon.

Should I expect downtime or side effects after the injection?

After their Kybella treatment, most patients have slight discomfort (similar to that caused by other injectables) for a brief time after the injections; however, this dissipates relatively quickly, usually within a few days. Patients may experience varying amounts of swelling, but this is a normal part of the recovery process. This can take several weeks to resolve, so many patients may wear a scarf, turtleneck or other neck-covering.

How long does it take to see Kybella results?

Your results are dependent on the amount of excess fat you have under your chin. In the first few days after treatment, you will typically have some swelling, and potentially bruising. Most patients begin seeing good results as soon as three to four weeks after injection. Kybella before and after photos show the dramatic difference in the under-chin area after the treatment has had time to work.

How many treatments do I need?

Patients receive Kybella treatments spaced at least one month apart. Most patients generally require three to four treatment sessions (sometimes more) to see their optimal result, but some patients are fully satisfied after the first or second treatment.

Can anyone have Kybella?

Patients who have consolidated deposits of fat and the appearance of fullness underneath the chin are possibly good candidates for having Kybella. If patients have a lot of hanging, lax skin, Kybella may not be the best choice, because it is not intended to remove extra skin. Patients who have difficulty with swallowing or who have bleeding disorders or diseases may need to seek alternatives to Kybella.

Am I a good candidate for Kybella?

Dr. Comite will evaluate you during your consultation to determine is you can benefit from Kybella.

How do I learn more?

Call SkinProvement Dermatology New York today at (212) 933-9490 to schedule a consultation!

SKINPROVEMENT DERMATOLOGY In New York is committed to providing patients world-class treatments for skin, hair, and nails. They understand and acknowledge the diversity among all patients to treat them more efficiently using state of the art technology and decades of professional expertise.

DR. STEPHEN COMITE Is a board-certified Dermatologist with an impeccable academic background and he is valued as one of the best Dermatologists in NY due to his expert skills and his compassionate nature towards all of his patients.
| Brigotte S.

I am getting facial treatments from Dr. Comite since 18 years. After having seen other Dermatologists before I would never see anybody else after Dr.Comite. He is very professional and caring as well as trusting. A very consistent Dermatologist with a lot of knowledge. Thank you..

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