Get rid of warts with treatment from your New York City New York, NY dermatologist
Even though some Many warts resolve on their own or can be treated safely at home, In some cases, they can be treated safely at home; however, there are times when medical attention is necessary for better results. If you live in the Tri-State area New York, NY and have tried to get rid of warts without success, contact Dr. Stephen Comite and the team at SkinProvement Dermatology New York.
Warts come in various shapes and sizes depending on where they are found on the body. The types of warts include:
- Common warts often appear as rough bumps on the hands and fingers.
- Foot, or plantar, warts are flat, sometimes painful spots on the bottom of the foot.
- Flat warts may show up anywhere. These are often small but grow in large numbers.
- Filiform warts look like long threads growing on the face.
Wart treatments
If you have a wart that is not going away on its own or is painful, it is time to seek medical attention. Your dermatologist can diagnose a wart simply by looking at it. Although warts are generally harmless, they can be treated. The treatment used depends on the type of wart and the patient’s age and health. Treatment options may include the following:
- Cantharidin – The dermatologist applies this product to the wart causing the skin underneath to blister. This treatment is no longer FDA approved but is being tested and will likely be approved again soonThe dead wart can then be clipped away.
- Cryotherapy – This popular treatment involves freezing the wart; however more than one treatment may be needed.
- Electrosurgery and curettage – These two treatments may be performed alone or together. Electrosurgery involves safely burning the wart. Curettage involves shaving or scraping it off with a special instrument. Both are effective treatments.
- Excision – In some cases, the dermatologist may choose to cut out the wart.
- Laser–this can be helpful for some kinds of warts
- Additional treatments such as bleomycin may be recommended for hard-to-treat cases.
Since there is no cure for the wart virus, warts can re-appear in the same or new locations. The best option is to have new warts treated by a dermatologist before old warts have a chance to spread the virus into the skin.
For more information on how to get rid of warts, contact SkinProvement Dermatology of New York. Call (212) 933-9490.
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