We are open for inpatient visits, but you can consult us virtually too. Call (212) 933-9490 for more information.

Trust your health and appearance to a doctor who specializes in skin care and treatment in New York City

Skin Care Doctor in New York Area

Your body’s largest organ, the skin serves many vital functions; it protects you from disease-causing bacteria and environmental stressors, regulates body temperature, facilitates touch, and reacts with sunlight to produce immune-boosting Vitamin D. With so many functions critical to overall well-being, your skin’s health is about so much more than its appearance. That said, though, inner health is often reflected by your outer appearance; for instance, blisters on the hands and feet are associated with diabetic neuropathy, while swollen lower legs are indicative of heart problems. With so many implications, it’s important to partner with an exceptional skin care doctor … Continue reading

New York patients get healthy skin with top dermatology care

Dermatology Care in New York Area

Your skin is your largest, most visible organ. Protecting and keeping it healthy requires maintenance therapies. Unhealthy or aged skin makes you look tired or older. Your skin may develop lines, wrinkles, bags under your eyes,  uneven skin tone, and texture. It is never too late to start nourishing and treating your skin. If you live in New York, turn to Dr. Stephen L. Comite and SkinProvement Dermatology New York for healthy skin and top-quality dermatology care. Treatments for healthy skin The sun, environmental toxins, aging, hormonal changes, and genetics impact the health and quality of your skin. A good … Continue reading

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